Yarra’s Edge issues aired

Yarra’s Edge issues aired

Issues concerning Yarra’s Edge residents were aired at the January 30 Docklands Community Forum.

Resident representative on the forum, Phil Spender, said locals generally commended developer Mirvac’s performance within the precinct, but a number of matters needed addressing.

He said Mirvac held a community consultation on November 13 regarding its plans for a “Bolte” precinct to the west of Yarra’s Edge but no representatives from the City of Melbourne, Places

Victoria or the Department of Planning and Community Development attended.

“Would it not be worthwhile for them to hear first hand what the community’s feedback is on such matters?” he asked.

Mr Spender noted a stated intention by the planning authorities to connect Yarra’s Edge to the rest of Docklands via “operable” footbridges.  But he told the community forum that residents were “totally opposed” to bridges which would impede access for boats.

He said access to Lorimer St, lack of public parking and maintenance and improvements to public infrastructure were other issues confronting residents.

“Parking is a huge issue in Yarra’s Edge,” he said.

Mr Spender said lack of resident parking permits and the provision of bike share stations which encouraged commuters to “park and ride” were specific problems.

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