Do you feel it? New energy breaking through

Do you feel it? New energy breaking through

Do you feel it? New energy breaking through, the excitement of things to come, the feeling of freedom as we’re released from the weight of our winter coats? Spring is here!

Surely, the most spectacular change of season on the calendar, as we watch our surroundings burst into colour and new life at the touch of the sun’s warmth. A little like love?

Absolutely, spring is the honeymoon period of the year. It courts us with new flowers, it sends us heavenly scents on the warming breezes, and it brings such positivity and hope as animals on the land choose this perfect time to give birth to their young. Nature at its best, spring nurtures life back to things we’d forgotten could be so beautiful.

Bring the spring into your heart and your life. If your relationship has lost the honeymoon period and instead has felt like a never-ending arctic winter, remember the beauty and joy of the things you were first attracted to in your partner.

Recall the ease of laughter, the eagerness to spend time together, and the excitement of their touch.

Often, like a beautiful flower, those things haven’t disappeared but have withdrawn to the safety of their protective bulb waiting for a spring to draw them out again. Show some warmth, speak to each other about the things you love and you will find them re-emerging.

“I remember the butterflies I would get when your lips first touched mine,” will get your partner remembering the tenderness and passion of your honeymoon start. Perhaps it was running along the beach and the sharp saltiness of kissing in the crashing surf.

Or maybe the way her glasses would slip to the tip of her nose whilst she was consumed in her novel cuddled under your arm.  Cast your mind back to your most treasured moments, and bring them back to life.

The honeymoon or spring period of a relationship can be brought back as easily as remembering how you attend and react to someone you have just met. A few simple things and you will find that with the special “spring attention” to your partner, your love will be blossoming with renewed growth.

Try really listening to your partner, actually stop multi-tasking – or attempting to! – and look at them and listen to what they are saying. The art of conversation seems to be something that gets prioritised below the sports channel and washing when you’ve been together a while, but make chat time a priority again and it will bring you closer and the romantic touches will start to bloom again.

Or something as simple as holding hands when you go for a walk together and take in the beautiful air. If that would just be plain weird in your relationship, then an arm around her shoulders as you walk for a coffee, or even a hug before you leave the house.

Just find a way to bring some tender physical contact back in at unexpected times, and she’ll be thinking of you all day. And when you’re thinking of each other whilst you’re apart, the passion increases when you’re together!

Gentlemen, believe me when I say that reaching out to your partner and simply placing your hand on her cheek, arm or around her waist, and looking her in the eye to say “I love you” will be as breathtaking to her as the first time you ever said it.

Love never has to fade, but we all just need reminding to put some “spring” in our lives and encourage those little buds to bloom again. What Women Want is for our love and relationships to last and for spring to enter all our hearts as well as the garden!

Have a great month, and don’t forget you can email me any questions on What Women Want to [email protected]
Abby x

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