Why is it so hard to move on from things?

Why is it so hard to move on from things?

Little toddlers cling anxiously to a worn out, washed out, frayed little blankie until it is literally bare threads stuck together with years of spit.  Young kids anxiously hold their mothers’ fingers in their still chubby and invariably grubby hands, whilst looking longingly towards the bigger kids playing chasey in the park.   Sometimes it seems we’re not far from those first anxious moments of small lives.

As adults, we can be nerve-wrackingly unsure of leaving a job we can no longer tolerate turning up to, we can be immobilised with fear stepping into a gym for the first workout, we can be scared of leaving a partner for fear of being on our own - we can be intimidated by our own choices!  

Even though we know what we should be doing, and what we shouldn’t be accepting, sometimes it’s just so hard to really make that change. When we really look at it, at why we resist leaving what’s familiar, what’s secure, they all come from the same thing – moving onto the unknown can be scary because, well, you don’t know what it’s going to be like!

It’s hard to leave the security of the known, but sometimes we need to in order to grow and develop and be truly happy.

So we have a choice – stay where we’ve outgrown ourselves, under our security blanket, holding mums hand, in a dead end job, unhappy with our health and in a relationship going nowhere – or we can look back on life and realise, you know what?  I always ended up somewhere better – somewhere further, somewhere more stimulating, somewhere where I didn’t know it would be as fantastic as it was.  

We can make our “choices” happen, rather than just wishing we’d chosen something else ... Come on, if you’re stuck in a rut, don’t be! You are worth so much more!

Sometimes we just need the courage to know that the future may be a mystery, but we can’t let the fear of not knowing that we’ll necessarily find what we’re looking for stop us.

Embrace a change of career choice, choose to pursue true love not “guess it’s better than being on my own” tolerance, kick arse at the gym and find your passion for who you know is the real you inside.

Determine what is important to you in your life, and don’t be afraid to leave the things that don’t fit that picture.  That doesn’t mean quit your job tomorrow, but it does mean making a plan to get the role you want, the partner you want, the lifestyle you want – and don’t accept anything less!

This spring, spring-clean your choices, and clean the clutter out of your life with a clear direction forward – choose YOU and believe in yourself, you just might find life can be better than you ever imagined.

Till next month.

Abby x

Improved short stay reforms

Improved short stay reforms

August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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