There is nothing better than waking up and knowing that you’ve made the right decision.

There is nothing better than waking up and knowing that you’ve made the right decision.

You say to yourself: “I have made the right decision, because it’s right for me and I don’t care what anyone else thinks.”

And that’s the bit that gets interesting … what anyone else thinks. Or more particularly, the having to not care what they think. I’m reaching the conclusion that to live your own life, you sometimes have to stop making someone else happy.

You see having recently purchased my dream home (“renovators delight” doesn’t even begin to explain it), I have realised that not everyone shares my view of the big picture. In fact, not many people believe that moving to a remote rural town far away from all my circles (their words!) to take hammer and paintbrush to 100-year-old walls, is going to be a worthwhile project. But I do. I know it will be an amazing journey, with rich rewards. They think I’ve lost the plot. So I set about trying to bring them up to speed.

I organised a dinner party, so they could see the potential I saw, and become supportive – perhaps, even a little envious.

All was going reasonably well. I’d managed to convince everyone that an outside toilet was absolutely of no inconvenience and electricity was somewhat overrated, when one of my guests, asked “what IS that noise?” I laughed it off and explained it was just mouse traps snapping.

Impressively, she managed to simultaneously drain her wine glass and announce loudly to her husband it was time to go … I was able to remind them to watch out for the missing floorboards on their way out … They clearly didn’t understand that the fallen corn in the paddock would always attract mice, it’s no big deal. (I didn’t mention the snake that’s taken up residence, on account of the mice.)

The following day there were many calls pleading me to return to my senses and come home to an air-conditioned, rodent-free world, where life made much more sense to them. Where there was little danger in walking down your own hall, cement didn’t fall out of the walls when you bang a door, and flyscreens were a comfort rather than a frontier. Where wearing high-heels wasn’t absurd, and there was ample trendy bars and fab coffee spots to catch up on life.

My gumboots and I weren’t offended, we’re happy with instant coffee and the pub as the only option for an outing. My friends will always be welcome to visit me as I travel my new path – although I think they’ll decline the invitation.
But that’s the thing – I just don’t mind. I don’t mind because it is my path. And right now, in amongst all of this, I am content. I know I’ve made the right decision.

It’s only by following your own dream, that you will truly be happy, and that is a worthwhile pursuit. So if you are waking up not knowing that you’re on the right path, just ask yourself what you truly want, what you truly seek.

Never be afraid to change your direction. Be strong enough to listen to your own voice, and don’t worry if those around you voice their opinions loudly! You know when you’re on the right path, and life sure can be great when you find it … even if you have to share it with mice!

Have a great month!    

Abby x

Improved short stay reforms

Improved short stay reforms

August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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