I went to a clairvoyant the other day. Funny thing really, spur of the moment decision.

I went to a clairvoyant the other day. Funny thing really, spur of the moment decision.

I just thought I needed a little bit of divine guidance ... a little bit of a crystal ball consultation ... a bit of a clue as to what the universe had lined up for me, a sneak peek.  Yep, I was desperate.

And what was even funnier, was that I thought I’d test her out and see how good she really was. Not tell her a thing about myself, and see if the answers she gave would somehow “fit” with my secret questions.

Then it would be like proof that spirits were indeed telling her things she couldn’t possibly know, that tarot cards were being invisibly shuffled to fall in certain line to tell me a very special story – my story– my future.  

So with a clear strategy to reveal nothing, I walked into a very 80s red brick apartment in a small alley in inner suburbia, and with not so much as a “where’s your crystal ball, head scarf and cat gone” I sat down in the faux leather Jason recliner, pulled the handle to fling my foot rest up, and promptly told her my entire story.  Excellent start.

She smiled very reassuringly, nodded in all the right places, handed over tissues and water as required and was really, well ... quiet.  Finally, there was a gap in my verbal self analysis and my own Q&A time where I would not only ask the questions of why certain things were happening in my life, but would answer them too – when she offered to start the reading.

I was ready, I had complete faith in this woman, she’d already proven to be very insightful in the Q&A component. I could tell by the way she nodded. Bring on the tarot cards!

And so an hour was spent, studying picture cards and applying their symbolic meaning to life’s questions, and you know what? I learnt something. I’m actually being serious about this. I really did. I didn’t learn anything about what the future holds, and I’m not talking about learning that getting the death card doesn’t actually mean you’re about to die – although, that is a handy thing to know for next time.

I learnt that you can see whatever you want to in the cards as they are placed down. You can create your own story with how they link, with how they apply to or affect your path. You can choose to take heart from the upside, or choose to see the gloom if it doesn’t go the way you hoped.   And that is exactly like life.

In life things happen, just like a deck of cards, you don’t always know which one you’ll get. But if you really want to, you can make it be the card you were meant to have.

Embrace a change of direction, hold onto the things that are incredibly important to you, and don’t be afraid to change path on something that’s just not working. The only voice you have to listen to is yours.

Don’t give your power away by waiting for someone else to see how wonderful you are. Know how wonderful you are, continue on with what is important to you ... and maybe around the corner, there will be that special someone who truly does see you for you.

What a woman wants, is to be loved. What a woman needs, is to love herself first.

Love and kisses,


Don’t forget you can email me at
[email protected]

Improved short stay reforms

Improved short stay reforms

August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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