Are you a little bit tired? Kind of flat? How did this happen?

Are you a little bit tired? Kind of  flat? How did this happen?

Are you a little bit tired? Kind of  flat? How did this happen? The months are flying past and this was meant to be the year I actually STUCK to my New Year’s resolutions. I mean I started well. I ran every day, didn’t miss one, in my fitness regime that lasted two weeks.

Now we’re a quarter of the way through the year and I don’t look 10 years younger (I like to set realistic goals for myself, never put off by the reality of imminent failure). In fact I haven’t even found a minute to apply one of the multitude of home facial treatments I bought in the holiday season. That was when I decided I would allocate time for ME every week and treat my body as a temple, look younger, fitter, healthier ... meditate... Ha! Reality is often so different!

So, if like me, you’re still discovering yet more of those annoying streamers that explode out of those popper things down the back of the couch from New Year’s Eve to clean up, tossing the last minute tacky (and rather lame attempt to impress) Hallmark Valentine’s card in the trash, and desperately trying to feel positive about all the solemn promises and ambitious resolutions you made to yourself in a bid to GET ORGANISED for this decade.  Well you probably just want to have a lie down. It’s been bloody exhausting so far and to be completely honest, there hasn’t exactly been what you would call “results”.

Well get up! Get yourself a lemon and ginger iced tea, pop a cool cucumber mask on those puffy eyes and get excited! This is really the time that we make a difference in achieving what we really want in our lives – be it business success, a stronger relationship, a fitter and healthier body – you can have all of them. But make no mistake, right now, here, today and each day after are the ones that count. They are the steps that we take to make it all happen. The holiday season was just that – a holiday. Holidays are for creating the dreams, goals, visions, but now is the time to make them happen. Do not pack them away in the garage with the rest of the holiday paraphernalia.

Motivation and time management are generally the main saboteurs of achievement. Find ways to overcome the hurdles and you’ll find it easier to do the things you set out to do.

If you have kids that are back at school, get your groceries delivered, maybe get a cleaner – just get your time back to find the balance for you, for your goals and inspirations. Get a friend to exercise with you and commit to a plan – you don’t NEED a new outfit to start a new exercise regime. Just get started!

You will feel so empowered when you feel stronger and healthier and able to tackle so many more goals. So ask for whatever support from your partner, friends or family that you need to make success more likely. Be the person you want to be, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

A feeling of achievement and of success at work can be difficult to secure with the high pressure and increasing work hours but you can find it more readily if you surround yourself with the best, with like-minded and motivational people – join a wonderful network organisation such as Business Chicks, share your goals with a friend or colleague and ask them to help you
achieve it.

If you’ve always wanted to have your own business, start it! It doesn’t matter if you only have an hour a night to start on a business plan, just start to act on the things you really want to do. Set up a charity organisation if you’ve always wanted to give back or at least work out how you can contribute to one that already exists. Be determined, be brave, seek support in those around you and you will be amazed at how far you can progress. Like all journeys, they start with the first step.

Your relationships with partners, children, families and friends can only become stronger the more you are yourself and feel you are achieving what you want to achieve. Whatever you want to do is best started by simply saying your intentions out loud. Your life is just as important as everyone else’s. Start being selfish and organise your priorities to actually include your goals this year. It’s not too late. It starts now!

What a woman wants in this new decade, is to be everything she knows she is inside. And she wants the support of those closest to allow her to find the time to do them.

Abby x

Don’t forget you can email me at
[email protected]

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