I feel really happy!

I feel really happy!

I feel as though a cloud has lifted, or I have woken from a deep sleep and can see clearly again. It’s the most extraordinary feeling, and I have to be honest with you – I don’t know why I’m so happy.

I haven’t won lotto, I haven’t met my (so far very lost) soul mate, nor have I joined a meditation yoga guru. I haven’t paid off my credit card(s), I certainly haven’t made a dent in my mortgage and I haven’t walked the dog often enough. I haven’t found the perfect pair of jeans, I haven’t bought gorgeous new boots and I haven’t bought a new car (in fact, haven’t even cleaned the old car).

But I’m still happy. I tell you what I think I have done though. Let go. Not of everything, not of goals, not of working my hardest to give life the best crack I can. But I’ve let go of stressing about the things that go wrong. I’ve had a few massive stresses recently. I am, after all, restoring and renovating my burnt house as I write this column (who else can say they designed an ensuite where you nearly hit your head, huh??). And I am finally starting to learn that not only is there nearly always a solution, but sometimes the solution is better than the original plan (ensuite where you don’t hit your head).

Sometimes the problem is there to open another opportunity to you! I know that’s starting to sound like something a self-help book would say, but I actually have it on very good authority (my beautician) that the universe is entering a phase of “shake things up”, and we just have to trust that as things unexpectedly change direction, it’s actually to allow for the new to enter.

Apparently we’re heading into quite an auspicious time, what with the predicted end of the world on 21/12/12 and all that. Well as it turns out, the Mayans predicted the end of the world “cycle” to occur then, and some pretty savvy astrologers are pointing out that it actually means a rebirth or new start is coming our way.

The collective energy of the universe is pointing out to us the things we need to change no matter how much we may have tried to ignore the signs. It’s helping (or forcing) us to get rid of the things we don’t need anymore, to make room for the new.

And a big part of that is letting go of what is not in your heart anymore – or maybe not so much letting go of something, as simply no longer being able to hold onto the things that just truly aren’t right for you anymore.

It’s so easy to not want to let go of something that we have for so long either believed was right, or just out of habit wanted to continue. Many of my friends and family are currently having those things completely shaken up right now, and I think those that are dealing with it best are the ones who are simply saying “okay, it’s time to reinvent this. What do I really want?” They stop fighting to stay in the same situation and just simply see where the situation is now taking them.

And let me tell you something – when you stop trying to hang on so tight to something you thought you needed, and just allow a new way to emerge, it’s liberating.  

I am so happy because my amazing son and I have each other and our health. And everything else is just an adventure. I don’t know where it’s going to go next, but I’m going to just try to enjoy every turn this life takes, and trust that it’s all happening the way it’s meant to.

I hope you too, are finding some happiness in the interesting and unexpected path that life can take.

With love,
Abby x

Improved short stay reforms

Improved short stay reforms

August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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