Do you feel it?

Do you feel it?

There is magic in the air … Sometimes, you catch the scent of it caressing the evergreen needles of the freshly-Scout-cut Christmas trees. Other times you think you over hear its echo interwoven in the excited whispers of the children gathering for their Santa photo and occasionally you can catch the shadow of it on the expressions exchanged between the less fortunate, and the charities that work tirelessly to help them.  

It’s as though the magic envelopes us, yet we catch only glimpses of its presence like flashes of a long-forgotten dream – and even then we’re not quite sure we believe it’s there.

Magic is elusive – something that you can’t get a tangible hold on. It hovers through your heart and teases your mind with the possibility that it does exist. Like the children themselves who hover exquisitely in the fence-sitting world of not being quite sure they believe in the magic of Christmas anymore, but not quite sure they want to give it up either – there exists a precarious and fragile place where anything is possible. It’s where a formerly-bullied reindeer gets chosen by Santa to lead the sleigh around the world … Where three wise men followed a star …

Where peace on earth is dreamed of by all … Where love and equality abound …

It hovers around the doors of churches, where people find they are drawn around Christmas time to pray for forgiveness, to hope for a miracle, to give their thanks … or to please granny. It is palpable in the energy of a population simultaneously sending text messages of good wishes.

It is in the faces of small children who giggle in rapture at the nibbled cookies and sipped beer left out on Christmas Eve. And it is in the hearts of old souls and bodies, who have seen a lifetime on earth and start to long to see their friends who have already passed. The longing for magic can touch us all.

As families come together, and gifts are garishly wrapped, as parents lift small children to clumsily spike a star on top of a tree, as wishes for good health and joy abound, as we sit happily with family and friends with the sole purpose of spending time together, we don’t need to search for the magic – we can see it everywhere.

The magic is love. It keeps us warm, it gives us hope, it keeps us strong. And it can change the world. Have a safe, and very, very magical Christmas.

With much love,  Abby x

Improved short stay reforms

Improved short stay reforms

August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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