It will be worth it

It will be worth it

By Abby Crawford

It’s addictive. The excitement, the adrenalin running through your body, the lack of sleep … the dreams so vivid when you do finally collapse, that the line between consciousness and unconsciousness blurs. You’re no longer sure if what happened actually happened, or if you just thought it did. You’re so determined, so single minded, to get what you want …

You let everyone else down. Or at least, that’s how they feel. Phone calls go un-returned, things that once were the priority struggle to get a reaction from you. Friends give up sending texts or calling. And the ones that do get through, wish they didn’t as they hear your steely words of how the sacrifice is worth it and you’re sorry but you just can’t make it to that “event” (that you don’t recall even hearing about before).

Of course, you use your nice words. You remind yourself of your manners and ask about them, their day. And you multi-task whilst they’re answering, making sure you don’t drop a single second of what you’re doing whilst they share their heart.

It sounds so callous and cruel. It sounds like the most miserable place to be – but it’s truly not – not when you believe in what you’re doing.

Sure it’s exhausting. Sure the day can fly by and you realise you’ve hardly moved from your laptop, let alone remembered to eat or hang out the washing. But there’s something inside you that loves the pressure, excitement and adrenalin of the unknown.

And you know that whether this particular pursuit delivers everything you have wanted or not, whether it carries you to the dizzying heights of success you could only dream of, or delivers you an #epicfail, you’ll always love travelling on this road.

Life is all about risks, it’s about taking the chance and you just have to remember that extraordinary people do extraordinary things.

They work hard. They do what most people won’t do. They get out of their comfort zone and they pursue their dreams with passion. Friends should love you for trying. Family should rally around to propel you forward – but chances are, they will just feel like an overlooked call and may not give you the support you need.

Forgive them, as much as they feel they are forgiving you for your grave betrayal of them for a business plan. But this is your life and you must live it the only way you know how – with passion, with dedication and with the absolute conviction that there is incredible opportunity in life. It will be worth it.

I don’t feel like I’m making sacrifices. I don’t feel like I’m taking a risk … I just feel like I’m working bloody hard to make something wonderful. And I feel that that is incredibly worthwhile.

What a woman wants to know is that pursuing a goal is not a gamble, but what a woman needs to remember is that, despite there being no guarantees in life, the odds sure go up the harder you work.

So if you’re pursuing a dream, if you’re working tirelessly to achieve, then dig deep. You got this. And it will be worth it.


Don’t forget you can email me at [email protected] - xx

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