What Women Want

Abby Crawford

By Abby Crawford

I don’t know about everyone else, but it seems to me that right now we’re all putting in a lot of effort to win new business. The financial world is up and down and we head to the office hoping that today’s the day we get that new client we’ve been pitching for.

We’ve feverishly compiled our list of all the unique selling points we have to offer, the quality assurances we can give and are putting on our best faces to appear trustworthy, interesting and wildly appealing!

Funny how that relates so well to our approach when single ... We are at our best when trying to lock in that shift from attracting attention to securing the deal. Nothing is too much trouble. You spend time ensuring the “outer” you is perfectly styled to show off your heart-felt “inner” you.

The trick is ensuring you continue to deliver well after your pitch mode! Many make the grave mistake of over promising and making a great song and dance of all the things that are going to happen. And that’s the end of the show.

Like a peacock quivering its plumes to attract the females attention, all too often it is not long before the awful realisation sinks in that the peacock has only one show.

So gentlemen,  you know how important it is to ensure the very best presentation is made in securing that new client, but you would also know that the key to keeping business going is retention. Keep the client you have happy and growing, and there may not be a real need to go out seeking new clients to fill the gap!

So if you have a wonderful partner, maybe it’s as much about keeping the romance up and keeping a happy relationship that can really develop and bloom than going out constantly “pitching” for someone new.

Your retention strategy is simple, your check list is your five senses!

See – notice her hair, her eyes, remind yourself of the things that first attracted you to her – and tell her. If she wore red lipstick when you fell in love with her, buy it for her again

Touch – a simple hand or foot massage  – without her feeling it is a request for any further activity, and she’ll be smiling at you for days to come. Touch is reassuring, and evokes memories of the tenderness of when you first met.

Hear – turn off the TV, put some soft music on and simply talk. It is an art that many relationships lose after the honeymoon period is over. I have often said a woman needs to be seen and heard to be understood and if you can understand a woman – well, you’ve got it made!

Smell – a single beautifully scented flower, with a hand written note to say it is nearly as beautiful as she is. Or a gorgeously scented soap, just a token of how divine her world should be.

Taste – cook tantalising morsels of her favourite food, strawberries, chocolates, a glass of cognac by the fire and most importantly of all – a sensuous, slow, delicious kiss.

Gentlemen, if you have been fortunate enough to have found someone special, isn’t she worth hanging on to? Go on, have the relationship you’ve always dreamt of – a little effort can go a very long way!

Abby X

Don’t forget to email me any questions you have about What Women Want at [email protected]

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