Welcome to our 50th edition

Welcome to our 50th edition

Our first paper for 2010 is also a significant issue - the 50th edition of the Docklands News to be distributed in Docklands.

Originally called the Docklands Community News, this paper was first produced in 2003 as one of a number of community development initiatives occurring at the time. The design, purpose and style of the paper was initially informed by a committee of interested local people, many of whom are still involved Docklands residents today.

The 6-page first edition Docklands News was distributed in a very different suburb to that which surrounds us today, as illustrated by the image on the first paper’s masthead. At that time only the Arkley, the Grand and 50 Lorimer Street were inhabited buildings, housing a total Docklands population of about 500 people in three remote and almost isolated precincts.

The Boyd/Palladio had just opened its doors at NewQuay and 60 Lorimer Street was under construction. The Stadium, Channel 7, the AFL, the Docklands Authority and the various construction projects were the only large employers, while work had just commenced on the NAB building.

There were a few cafes and restaurants, but only at NewQuay and the stadium. Docklands had just celebrated the first tram service into the precinct.

The boat operators on Central Pier were the suburb’s major drawcard for visitors along with the Fox Museum.

Since that first issue, Docklands’ resident population has grown more than ten-fold and the worker population buy an even greater figure. In 2003 the local businesses could be counted on your fingers and toes, whereas the current business list exceeded 11 pages in our recently distributed Docklands Directory. Docklands continues to grow and evolve at a pace not witnessed in this city since the gold rush.

Throughout that seven-year period the Docklands News has been a constant – continuing to observe and report local news and each new development. The paper started with a mission to “strengthen the Docklands community through the provision of relevant community-based information in a regular newsletter”.

The Docklands News has grown like the suburb and is now a monthly publication, but our mission remains unchanged and underpins our commitment to be the true voice of Docklands.
Welcome to our 50th edition!

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