Watch this space

Watch this space

*This article was published 10 years ago

A contractor is about to be appointed to build Docklands’ new community garden on this site in Victoria Harbour.

Places Victoria says the garden will include more than 20 communal planting areas, productive plants and trees, a fire pit, barbecue and seating facilities, compost bays, a children’s garden area and, by mid-2012, ill see the addition of a community pavilion which will be available for public use.

The site is on the corner of Geographe St and Keera Way in Victoria Harbour.

The design and management of the garden has been informed by six rounds of community consultation – three rounds on design and three rounds on governance and management.

This site on the corner of Geographe St and Keera Way is being used for car- parking now but is set to be transformed into Docklands’ community garden •

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