‘‘Vision’’ feedback closing soon

‘‘Vision’’ feedback closing soon

VicUrban and the City of Melbourne are this month closing off public submissions on their draft shared vision for Docklands.

They launched a document last October which has been available for comment online at http://www.docklandsseconddecade.com/draft-shared-vision.

However the opportunity to give feedback will be only stay open until 5pm on Monday, February 14.

VicUrban’s general manager for Docklands Simon Wilson said he hoped draft directions would be released for community comment by Easter and that a final set of directions and priority actions would be known by the end of the financial year.

“By the end of the financial year we expect to be able to tell people what the tangible outcomes are and what we are going to do,” Mr Wilson said.

VicUrban says more than 1500 unique visitors had visited the Second Decade of Docklands website and some 800 had looked at the shared vision page.

“The community’s views have helped shape the Draft Shared Vision and we would appreciate your readers’ consideration and feedback on the full document,” Mr Wilson said.

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