Urban fringe sports earmarked

Urban fringe sports earmarked

Plans for urban recreation on the Bolte Precinct West site are on track, with Development Victoria calling for an Expression of Interest (EOI) to bring back to life a former 1950s shipping shed.

DV is keen to hear from operators to activate, occupy and manage Shed 21 for minor sport and recreation uses, which includes the potential urban fringe sport, community programs and events.

Development Victoria’s general manager, precincts, Simon Wilson, said Shed 21 was earmarked for sport, recreation and community use for initially up to five years and had been refurbished.

“The community has told us that it supported activating the area with alternate outdoor activities, urban fringe sports and other events,” he said.

“Following this feedback, a master plan was developed which identified a short-fall in inner Melbourne for urban fringe sport and activities.”

Improved short stay reforms

Improved short stay reforms

August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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