Uber Bar off the agenda

Uber Bar off the agenda

The Director of Liquor Licensing has knocked back an application for a small wine bar in St Mangos Lane, NewQuay.

Docklands’ businessman Chris Ellis first applied for a licence for his proposed Uber Bar in November, 2009, but was opposed by local residents. 

His application for a venue for 57 patrons went to a hearing last September and, on December 20 last year, the application was formally rejected.   Reasons for the rejection have not been given. 

Mr Ellis declined to comment.

In other Docklands liquor licensing news, the Woolshed Pub has successfully extended its licence which means it will be able to serve up to 311 patrons in its “back bar” area between 11pm and 1am on Fridays and Saturday nights.

The Woolshed had previously only had permission to use this area during these times for pre-booked functions.

And following objections from some Victoria Point residents, local businessman Dom Anthony has modified his application for a licence for his “Docked” tapas bar on the Stadium Concourse to a restaurant and café licence until 11pm.

If objectors don’t withdraw their objections, this matter will be subject to a panel hearing.

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