State MP and leader of the Australian Sex Party, Fiona Patten, visited Docklands last month.

State MP and leader of the Australian Sex Party, Fiona Patten, visited Docklands last month.

State MP and leader of the Australian Sex Party, Fiona Patten, visited Docklands last month.

After winning an upper house seat in last year’s state election, Ms Patten (pictured right) is keen to get to know more about specific areas of her electorate.

“This is my turf now and, as the upper house member, I really want to get to know how I can help this area and what I can do as a member of parliament to improve the space, not just for business but also for the residents of the area,” Ms Patten said.

While in Docklands Ms Patten visited a range of businesses including Etihad Stadium, the Icehouse and the Melbourne Star.

“We’ve got a world class ice-skating rink in Docklands, which I suspect a lot of people in Victoria don’t know about,” she said.

She also met with members of the Docklands Chambers and representatives from Housing Choices Australia, which is reponsible for The Merchant and Mariner developments in Docklands.

“There are some fantastic opportunities down here but there are some issues in realising what could be a really successful part of Melbourne, Melbourne’s tourism and Melbourne life,” Ms Patten said.

According to Ms Patten, Docklands is a great part of Melbourne with many strengths but this story was yet to be told.

“I certainly would love to be an ambassador for this region to start telling that story,” she said.

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