‘‘Spring clean’’ Docklands!

‘‘Spring clean’’ Docklands!

By Janette Corcoran

Last year, on a very wet Saturday, hundreds of volunteers from the 34 chapters of Beach Patrol and Love Our Streets undertook a mammoth litter clean-up in the CBD.

And on Saturday, September 21, they will return - but this year, Docklands will be included in the clean-up with the launch of our own Love Our Streets Docklands - LOS3008!

Local LOS3008 organiser Adriana Brudan said the plan was for everyone to start at 9am at Queensbridge Square in Southbank.

From there, people will break into groups with a special Docklands group – LOS3008 - heading to Harbour Esplanade near the Cow Up A Tree.

There they will be met by the DRG – Docklands Representative Group – who are providing a helping hand with the launch of LOS3008. And word has it that there may be a few interesting displays for local Docklanders to view. According to DRG chair, Jason Ting, this will also be a good way to meet the DRG and share your thoughts on all things Docklands.

Then the clean-up starts.

Docklanders will form small groups to target different areas in Docklands. Each group will be led by one of the LOS3008 organising team – Adriana Brudan, Sierra Laidman, Faye Cowling, Adam Weiss, Ali Hoffmann (and maybe even myself!).

“Our plan is that the groups will clean these Dockland areas for about one hour” passionate Docklander and sustainability advocate Adriana said. “We will then take what we have collected back to Southbank – returning to Docklands for a celebratory coffee – just not in a takeaway cup!”

This concern for our streets and waterways is shared by the entire group, which also believes that many others in Docklands are frustrated about the constant stream of litter appearing on our streets and entering our waterways.

So, the invitation is out! Join LOS3008 on September 21 at our inaugural Docklands clean-up. You can register here: eventbrite.com.au/e/spring-clean-the-city-2019-tickets-60503976021

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