Shuttle fee to stay

Shuttle fee to stay

The City of Melbourne has rejected pleas from Docklands’ businesses to maintain the Melbourne Tourist Shuttle as a free service.

At its Future Melbourne Committee meeting on June 18, the council confirmed plans in its draft budget to introduce a $5 fee for the bus service.

Docklands Chamber of Commerce president Stephen Clement asked councillors to re-consider their position because of the damage it would cause Docklands businesses.

Mr Clement said there was no doubt the decision would cause a drop in visitor numbers and suggested the council do more to subsidise the service through advertising revenues.

In response, the Lord Mayor, Cr Robert Doyle, said the council had done enough for Docklands.

He said the council was already offering rate relief for Harbour Town Shopping Centre and had put more funding towards Destination Docklands in response to Places Victoria not continuing to fund the local marketing body.

“Somewhere, it has to give,” he said. “We can’t do it all.”

Improved short stay reforms

Improved short stay reforms

August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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