Showroom auctions a first

Showroom auctions a first

Local real estate agency Barry Plant is pioneering a different method of auctioning in order to attract a wider market.

Barry Plant is the first local agency to hold in-room “showroom” auctions within the inner-city Melbourne residential market, according to Barry Plant sales manager Lyle Dean.

The agency started the showroom auctions in August, holding them on the first Wednesday of the month at The Auditorium at NAB’s 700 Bourke St building.

Properties auctioned at the showrooms are listed for four weeks in conjunction with an advertising campaign and scheduled open for inspections.

A three-minute professional video is also displayed before each property is auctioned at the showroom, Mr Dean said.

So far, up to 10 properties have been auctioned at each showroom.

According to Mr Dean, on the Gold Coast up to 100 properties can be up for auction at a showroom.

He said the agency decided to introduce the showrooms to provide another option for owners and buyers.

“We wanted to be pro-active, do something constructive and provide another option for our owners,” Mr Dean said.

Improved short stay reforms

Improved short stay reforms

August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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