Seafarers Park consultation


The City of Melbourne is engaging in initial consultation about what the public wants to see at a reconstructed Seafarers Park.

The park, between the Mission to Seafarers in Flinders St and the Yarra River has been neglected while adjacent Shed 5 has awaited redevelopment.

Developer Riverlee is working with the council and the state government to revitalise the public space. Riverlee is building a 17-level, mixed-use building above the shed and is also restoring the neighbouring heritage-protected crane.

The council’s “Participate” website outlines a timeline for park development:

Stage 1 community consultation: November 19 to December 14, 2018; 

Park design brief presented to council: March, 2019;

Stage 2 community consultation: April – May, 2019;

Design development: February – July, 2019

Neighbouring development construction commences: June, 2019; and

Park construction commences: July, 2020.

Improved short stay reforms

Improved short stay reforms

August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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