Review underway

Review underway

The City of Melbourne’s electoral review is underway with a series of public sessions planned for this month.

The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) is considering the number of councillors for the city as well as its electoral structure and is due to report back in late January.

The Victorian Electoral Commissioner, Steve Tully, is inviting anyone interested in the review to attend a public information session at the town hall on either:  5.00pm on Monday, November 7; 12.30pm on Wednesday, November 9; or 7.00pm on Thursday, November 10.

Any person or group can make a written submission to the VEC about the review. Submissions are not required to be elaborate documents and should be limited to the scope of the review.  Submissions need to be lodged by November 24.

The VEC’s preliminary report is expected to be released on January 23 next year.  It plans to forward its final report and recommendations to the Minister for Local Government on March 21.

Any changes to the electoral structure in Melbourne City Council would require a change to legislation, and would then apply at the next general elections.

Information about the review can be found at

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