Laura and Rusty

Laura and Rusty

Rusty the Cavoodle has loved the first seven months of his life in the Docklands.

Rusty and his owner Laura were seen on their leisurely stroll around the harbour. Eager to see, lick and sniff anyone or anything, an excited Rusty tested the strength of his owner’s lead.

Still just a puppy, Rusty is a little ball of energy. When asked how hard it is to keep up with her canine companion Laura said: “He’s actually alright. I walk him two to three times a day, that’s plenty. He is knocked out by the evening.”

Laura said that, as a Cavoodle Rusty would never become big enough to pose a threat to their apartment lifestyle. All the while, Rusty’s tail wagged relentlessly.

Laura commended the facilities for dogs in the local area explaining that she and Rusty we regulars at several parks in the area, ranging from Harbour Esplanade to the end of Lorimer St.

Laura makes sure that Rusty is not confined to the hustle and bustle of the Docklands area. “He just went to Williamstown beach this weekend actually and really loved it.”

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