Big dogs on the docks

Big dogs on the docks

Porscia and her kelpie cross Roxy have lived in Docklands for just under a year and have loved every minute of it.

However, the two are sadly leaving our lovely neighbourhood. Porscia has found it difficult to find a spot where Roxy can really stretch her legs and run free off her leash.

“She needs to have a spot where she can run around, socialise with other dogs off-leash. Because we are in an apartment, it’s even more important that we get our off-leash time,” she said.

While there are green areas in Docklands catering to pets, it seems that big dogs are a little forgotten.

“The assumption is that it’s mainly little dogs, but there are actually a lot of large dogs. There’s a German Shepherd that lives right up there and there’s a big, black hairy dog that I see walking in the mornings,” she said.

Roxy is six years old and has been with Porscia for three years, so their bond is close. Roxy goes everywhere with Porscia and has really become a part of her friendship circle.

“I take her everywhere with me, including my friend’s houses. She’s just like a good friend of mine,” Porscia said.

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