Penthouse pets

Penthouse pets

Victoria Point penthouse dwellers Wrinkle and Swirly tend to polarise opinions of people they meet as they are pushed around the streets of Melbourne.

The six-year-old “babies” are lavished with an inordinate amount of attention from their owner Tiffany and her family.

Many Docklanders would have come across the dogs being transported through local streets in a pram.  

Tiffany says the pram is simply practical.  The dogs get more than enough exercise and are carried in the pram because they just can’t keep up with her strenuous walking regime.

But with her dogs having taken to the pram, the opportunities have multiplied. Tiffany says she can take the pooches everywhere – even where dogs are not normally allowed – simply by dropping the covers down and pretending that a child is sleeping inside.

“I can take them to restaurants and into all the shops by closing them up in the pram,” she said.  “They’re really good and never make a sound.”

The dogs use the pram to sleep in at home, but only enjoy it if they are together.

Tiffany’s mother Issis says photos of the two dogs are all around the world.

Their unique transportation style and extensive wardrobe have ensured that they are often photographed by international tourists.

“They’re little celebrities who have put smiles on the faces of people all over the world,” she said.

The family has been in Docklands for about six months, having been away from Victoria for the past four years, briefly living in Noosa, the Gold Coast and Sydney.

Issis said they were looking forward to a Melbourne winter and chose Docklands because it had water views while still being very close to the city.

Tiffany said people often reacted negatively to the dogs being transported in style.

“It doesn’t worry me that people object,” she said.  “And for every two negative comments, they would be at least five positive ones.”

As far as Issis is concerned, Wrinkle and Swirly enjoy the same status and rights within the family as her daughters Tiffany and Deanna.

“I treat the dogs no different than I treat my daughters,” she said. “They bring us so much joy, watching them and enjoying their personalities.”

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