Bob is a sensitive soul

Bob is a sensitive soul

NewQuay pooch Bob is a sensitive soul.  Outwardly he is full of energy and bravado but owners Andrew Stevenson and Nicole Lorenz have revealed his secret fear.

Bob is scared of flies.  And he retreats to the safety of the shower when threatened.

“He doesn’t like the fireworks much either,” Andrew said.

But Andrew and Nicole wouldn’t have him any other way.  The couple moved into the Nolan with Bob about a year ago.

They love it here in Docklands and Andrew says they should have made the move from Melton earlier.

“We had a backyard there but Bob’s always been an inside dog so he’s made a good transition to apartment living,” Andrew said.

Aviation engineering student Andrew and law student Nicole love the livestyle and location that Docklands offers.

And their two-and-a-half-year-old foxy Jack Russell cross couldn’t be happier chasing balls around the Waterfront City Piazza on his daily walk.

“He’s a bit of a pampered pooch,” Andrew said. “But I think that’s very common here in Docklands.”

Bob likes to be involved in everything at home.  He sits close-by on a chair when the cooking is being done.  And he has been known to fall asleep on the books during a serious study session.

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