No sense complaining about the future

No sense complaining about the future

Respected Destination Melbourne CEO Chris Buckingham had a positive message for Docklands businesses when he addressed them on September 20 – things will improve when we stop whinging.

Speaking at a well-attended Docklands Chamber of Commerce networking function at the Medibank Icehouse, Mr Buckingham said Australians respected an underdog, but they hated whingers.

He relayed his personal experience of being involved in trying to market Gippsland a decade ago against a back-drop of consistently-bad public perception of the region and he drew a parallel with present-day Docklands.

He said the Gippsland region turned around a negative image after it stopped railing against it critics and started working together and speaking with a single positive voice.

He advised that parochialism was to be avoided and recommended that Docklands become “proud, positive and passionate”.

“In Gippsland we were eating each other,” he said.  

“The internal politics were paralysing.”

“I suspect in Docklands that there is disorganisation and general lack of confidence.  But you need to demonstrate your resilience.”

Mr Buckingham said Docklands businesses needed to “put a stick in the ground” and decide whether they were here for the long-term or whether they would pack up and go home.

“Repetition builds reputation,” Mr Buckingham said. “And you need to look for ways to look after each other.”

He recommended that Docklanders concentrate on future opportunities rather than dwell on the past.

And he recommended that we accept standards that were “generally right”.

“It’s about momentum, not perfection,” he said. “And seek forgiveness, not permission.”

In his final message for the night, Mr Buckingham relayed a lesson learned in rugby union – that tightening a grip on others in a scrum results in 10 to 15 per cent more power being generated.

“Look for ways to tighten your grip on each other,” he said.

About 100 people attended the networking event, with many trying out ice skating for the first time after a brief lesson.

Chamber president Keith Rankin thanked the Icehouse for hosting the event.

“All in all it was a fun and productive evening and many thanks to Medibank Icehouse for its wonderful care, hospitality and generous sponsorship of our meeting,” Mr Rankin said.

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