The Wharf Hotel hits the mark

The Wharf Hotel hits the mark

By Alison Kinkade

Having grown up around the water as a Sydney girl and having lived in Docklands since moving to Melbourne, I am always on the lookout for venues that truly optimise the potential of Melbourne’s beautiful waterways.

And after four years of trying to find that Sydney-style watering-hole I have finally found it – and it’s just a short stroll away.

Located at the bottom of the World Trade Centre, the Wharf Hotel held its opening on Friday, October 8 and we, along with hundreds of others, were lucky enough to attend the stunning venue which could truly rival Sydney’s best.

Now before we get all fired-up on the “our city is better than your city” debate, let me just say that having lived in both cities, you cannot compare them. Neither is better than the other and they both have strengths and weaknesses. In my opinion, Melbourne has better food and culture. Sydney, on the other hand, has an amazing harbour and great beaches, which is possibly why I have always found that it does a better waterside venue – until now that is!

Opened by the same people who own Victoria Harbour’s Watermark, the Wharf Hotel, with its stunning location, delectable food and great beverage list, truly optimises what life should be like in this great sunburnt nation.

As you stroll in the door you are greeted by a long corridor with wine bottles lodged into the wall and it is then that your realise you are in for a treat with the venue seamlessly entwining features from the old wharf and contemporary design.

Sitting right on the edge of the Yarra, the Wharf Hotel is unlike any other venue with a vast indoor and outdoor area which can cater to up to 600 people, and yet retains a classy but relaxed feeling.

The outdoor area’s proximity to the water is amazing and heaters and fireplaces ensure that you can stay warm and enjoy the outside views even in winter.

We can also vouch for the wine and food too which, on opening night, was superb. Catering to probably about 500 people, guests feasted on barbecue lamb skewers with mint yoghurt, duck liver parfait, smoked salmon on blinis with chive crème fraiche and cheese and pumpkin croquettes, as well as many other goodies.

The Wharf Hotel is open seven days a week for lunch, dinner and drinks and offers a free VIP members club which gives members a monthly members’ party, discounted drinks and the chance to accrue points to redeem food and beverage.

So if you’re feeling hungry or just want to have a relaxing drink, then check out the Wharf Hotel at 18-38 Siddeley St … I can highly recommend it and I’m not an easy judge.

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