New EPA boat launched

New EPA boat launched

A new 12-metre, powered catamaran has been launched by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) in Docklands last month to monitor water quality around Port Philip Bay and Western Port.

Christened Bar-ba-ka, it replaces an 8.5-metre boat, which has completed 25 years of service.

The boat features a complete on-board laboratory to collect samples and an improved design to operate in harsher conditions.

At the launch of the boat in Docklands on April 20, the Minister for Environment Climate Change and Water, Lisa Neville, said monitoring was required during rain periods.

“All beaches in Port Phillip Bay and popular swim locations along the Yarra performed well over the summer period for the most part but there were significant periods of rain, which impacted on water quality in Port Phillip Bay and the Yarra, particularly those locations with stormwater outlets,” she said.

Minister Neville said sample collection was still the preferred means of assessing conditions.

“Despite advances in technology, there is no better way to monitor water quality than to collect samples; the Bar-ba-ka boosts our front line of defence in protecting our bays and beaches for all Victorians,” she said.

Bar-ba-ka means porpoise and was chosen following discussions with the Boon Wurrung community and Aboriginal culture consultants.

Aside from collecting water samples, Bar-ba-ka will be responsible for attending to environmental emergencies and identifying pollution trouble areas.

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