New barrier design ‘‘well advanced’’

New barrier design ‘‘well advanced’’

The state government says the final design of a new permanent barrier on Latrobe St Bridge is edging closer to replacing the temporary fencing that has now been in place for nearly two years.

The temporary fencing was installed back in April 2018 by the Department of Transport in what was understood to be an effort to prevent further attempts of self-harm.

However, while informing Docklands News in May 2018 that temporary fencing would remain until a permanent solution was installed, nearly two years on it is still in place along both sides of the bridge.

While not providing a timeline as to when a permanent barrier would be installed, a spokesperson for the Department of Public Transport said that new designs were “well advanced”.

“Safety is a key priority for the Department. The design of the new barrier is well advanced and we’re continuing to work closely with the City of Melbourne.”

Improved short stay reforms

Improved short stay reforms

August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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