NBN connection for some Docklanders

NBN connection for some Docklanders

The National Broadband Network (NBN) has come to Docklands, but most won’t be able to connect to it for at least the next three years.

Lacrosse, at 675 LaTrobe St, is the first Docklands building to be connected to the NBN.

The building was connected ahead of the rest of Docklands because the Federal Government wants all new developments to have NBN infrastructure installed during construction.

In areas like Docklands, which have new developments but are not on the current NBN three-year rollout plan, this means that some buildings will be connected, while others won’t.

NBN Co is the government-owned corporation responsible for designing, building and operating the NBN.

The corporation is required, at the request of developers, to install the necessary infrastructure into developments of over 100 premises that have been approved after January 1, 2011, even if they are not in a rollout area.

NBN Co media relations advisor Edwina Hinchcliffe said new developments, like Lacrosse, were connected to a temporary network, which would be replaced once the permanent NBN network was installed in Docklands.

Ms Hinchcliffe said the next Docklands building scheduled for connection to the temporary NBN network was The Quays.

At this stage, the earliest that the NBN will be available throughout Docklands is 2016, but it may be longer.

The next update of the NBN three-year rollout plan is due in March next year and will reveal if there are plans to rollout the NBN across Docklands in the next
three years.

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