Mirvac Thinks Pink

Mirvac Thinks Pink

In April Mirvac launched Melbourne’s first progressive marathon – where participants have two weeks to complete the championship distance at their own pace – in the name of charity.

Participants of the Yarra’s Edge Progressive Marathon had the option to smash it out in one go if they chose, but could also log the 42.2km in portions between April 7 and 21.

The finish line was located outside The Wharf Club at Yarra’s Edge on April 21, where Mirvac hosted a pop-up wellness festival.

The registration fee of $25 went to breast cancer charity the Think Pink Foundation to support patients and their families.

The partnership stems from Think Pink’s findings around the benefits of walking for those with the disease.

“Regular walking and physical activity is important for prevention of illness as well as rehabilitation and recovery,” director and patron of Pink Think Foundation Irene Hendel said.

“It helps you feel stronger, more energetic, happier and improves your overall quality and enjoyment of life. As well as having great physical benefits, group walking has a positive social impact on people’s lives.”

Think Pink currently has a Living Centre in Victoria and is committed to establishing one in every capital city in Australia.

Mirvac’s general manager of residential Victoria, Elysa Anderson, said the Yarra’s Edge Progressive Marathon aimed to increase people’s activity in April and highlight the link between healthy living and cancer prevention.

“At Mirvac we are passionate about creating healthy communities and enabling residents to be active through the planned provision of amenity such as parks and wellness facilities,” she said.

Mirvac said Yarra’s Edge boasted one of Melbourne’s healthiest communities, with extensive walking and cycling boulevards, a landmark health facility and superfood bar.

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August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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