Meet Peta Brehaut

Meet Peta Brehaut

“Since moving here I’ve got to know the people and the precinct and it’s a great neighbourhood.”

A resident of Yarra’s Edge of three-and-a-half years, Peta Brehaut said she relocated from Southbank due to its overcrowded and disconnected atmosphere during lockdowns.

As well as working in the health sector, Peta is a “photographer on the side” and she said that the moment she moved to the photogenic suburb of Docklands, “I had to buy myself a new camera.”

Peta said the most surprising thing about living in Yarra’s Edge had to be how tight knit the community was.

“Honestly, sometimes I feel like I’m on the set of Friends!” she said. “The community here has been the most awesome surprise of all, I’ve made so many great friends.” •

Read Peta's full profile at the Soul of Docklands.

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