Mariner is a safe haven

Mariner is a safe haven

Victorian Housing Minister Wendy Lovell braved a wet and windy Docklands on August 10 to officially open The Mariner affordable housing complex in NewQuay.

Assisted by Senator Gavin Marshall and Housing Choices Australia CEO Michael Lennon, the Minister said 85 of the 113 apartments in the complex would become home for people who would not otherwise be able to afford to live in Docklands.

The Mariner is Docklands’ second affordable housing project – the first being The Merchant in Bourke St, Victoria Harbour, which opened in 2009.

“The homes are close to employment opportunities, shops, community facilities and transport services to help residents stay connected to the local community,” Ms Lovell said.

Mr Lennon praised MAB Corporation for providing such a wonderful opportunity to Housing Choices Australia, a not-for-profit affordable housing organisation.

“This fantastic location is not an accident and I want to thank MAB Corporation for the way the building fits in here,” Mr Lennon said.

Mr Lennon said the project was a triumph for integration, with 28 privately-owned units in the complex selling off-the-plan before construction started.

Mr Lennon reminded the crowd at the opening of Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner, which is based on a group of seafarers’ ill-fated journey home, which was further complicated by an unwise decision to shoot an albatross.

He said a graphic depicting this story was tastefully depicted in the foyer of the new building.

“For our tenants at The Mariner, we hope they find their way home to a place which is safe,” he said.

“We wanted it to be indistinguishable from the rest of the market,” Mr Lennon said.  “It’s important for the children living here that their place is no different to the rest of the community.”

Improved short stay reforms

Improved short stay reforms

August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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