Marina security dispute

Marina security dispute

Boat owners at NewQuay Marina are in dispute with management over the number of security cameras required.

Boat owner Harvey Cleggett told Docklands News he represented 20 boat owners and that recent security incidents meant a $19,000 five-camera security system was required.

He said the marina’s owner, MAB Corporation, was prepared to buy a two-camera system to cover the marina’s two gates, but said this was not adequate.

Mr Cleggett said: “They claim they will put one camera on each gate but as you know that doesn’t show what is happening in the pens. That will cost them $10,000 and the full solution of five cameras will cost $19,000, so they are being bloody minded about $9,000 despite boats being stolen, broken into, ransacked and stolen from … even though they are pulling in $400,000 a year in fees!”

“This really is big business thumbing their nose at boat owners who are paying significant mooring fees for basically a power point and a tap.”

Mr Cleggett said boat owners felt so strongly about the issue, they would leave the marina if the matter was not resolved.

“From a business perspective, a number of owners have made comment they are considering leaving the marina, and a number have only paid fees for six months with this in mind,” he said.

“It would only take two owners to leave and not be replaced (currently a number of the berths have remained unfilled for a significant period of time) and the camera cost would be lost.”

MAB Corporation told Docklands News it had no interest in discussing the issue via the media.

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Improved short stay reforms

August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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