Be responsible with alcohol on boats.

Be responsible with alcohol on boats.

This summer’s boating season has produced some great weather for that wonderful pastime of just messing about in boats. Like other marinas around the nation Marina YE has enjoyed one of our busiest times for boating activities.

While society in general is reviewing the mix between alcohol and personal behaviour in all forms of recreational activities, particular emphasis should be placed on alcohol and boating activities.

Our boats are not only a delightful means of relaxation whether we fish, sail or just motor around the bay, they are also a wonderful facility for entertaining and partying.

The summer weather so far this season has certainly encouraged us to use our boats and invite others to join us.

It is during these activities that particular care should be taken on the condition of our guests on board.

Naturally the skipper is expected to act in the manner of the designated driver but it should also be remembered that our passengers are always at risk when they are with us.

As such, particular care should be taken for their welfare and that they are capable of moving safely around our boats at all times in all conditions.

Just as we expect those in charge of a licensed premises to act responsibly for the serving of alcohol we as skippers should act responsibly with the consumption of alcohol by those enjoying our company on our boats.

It is important that we not only enjoy that pastime of messing about in our boats but that we do so in a safe responsible manner.

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