Dirty Docklands

Dirty Docklands

Here is a look at the untidy state of the newly developed north side of Docklands (838 Collins St).

I walk my dogs regularly across the recently developed area of the north side of Yarra’s Edge, and weekly I have been disgusted with the level of trash strewn across the walkway, and overflowing from the bins.

What is going on here? Are the rubbish men and women on strike?

Does the owners’ corporation not have sufficient waste management practices for the building?

Do the new owners and tenants have no pride or respect of their new precinct?

If you zoom in on one of the photos you will see trash lining the boardwalk along the entire facade of 838 Collins.

This is a new area, not a slum! 

I encourage the local residents to do something about it. I’d be embarrassed if it was my apartment building!

- Krystal Mitchell


Hoons causing havoc

In response to the article “Police target hoons” published in the September issue of Docklands News, it is very promising to hear that Victoria Police has a special operation in the pipeline to target the issue.

The Yarra’s Edge residential community is very appreciative of the work that Victoria Police does, and we look forward to a report on the outcomes of any such special operation.

However, it would be helpful to know exactly what Victoria Police has been doing when it “continuously patrols” the area, as was reported in the article. Reports to Victoria Police about hoons are made basically every single Friday and Saturday night, but police are only occasionally seen attending the area.

The article also reported that Victoria Police must consider its members’ safety, with attendances leading to “a number of dangerous incidents involving our members”. If this is true, and there is a risk to people’s personal safety, then this revelation is extremely alarming for Yarra’s Edge residents. This is even more of a reason for meaningful action to be taken on this issue by the authorities whose stated purpose is to protect the community.

The article also reported that the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) received 23 reports relating to noise issues in the Docklands over a 12-month period. This figure would be significantly under-representative of the particular issue in Yarra’s Edge, as reports about hoon activity in Yarra’s Edge have been reported to the authorities basically every Friday and Saturday night, and normally by multiple residents.

It would be very bewildering if any of the vehicles responsible for the colossal noise disturbances in Yarra’s Edge on Friday and Saturday nights could possibly be under any allowable noise limit.

It should also be noted that EPA’s stated purpose is to prevent and reduce harm from pollution (including noise pollution), so it wouldn’t seem appropriate for the EPA not to response to a generalised issue that is focused in one particular area.

It would be wonderful if these authorities spent less time and tax-payer-funded resources writing articles about why they may not act on the issue, and more time actually doing something about it.

- Matt Lyon


Hoons causing havoc 2

Your article “Police target hoons” in Issue 156, was very welcome, but it betrays the fact that while the police are avoiding the “dangerous incidents” mentioned in the article, they do nothing significant to reduce constant illegal and unnecessary vehicle noise in Docklands.

I wrote to Docklands News several years ago about the noise from unmuffled Harley Davidson motorcycles and the use of truck engine compression brakes at the Footscray Rd Harbour Esplanade, Wurrunjerri Way intersection. While this is constant during the year, it reaches a peak in the onset of warm nights when the bikers come out to display their arrogant disregard of the law and any respect for Docklands residents’ peaceful enjoyment of their homes. 

I will believe that the police and the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) are serious about noise when they set up a noise recording camera on the intersection to detect and fine all who have no regard for the law.

- Warren Mills


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