November letters

November letters

Was it only me or did other readers notice the strange irony in the photos on both covers of your October edition?  I refer of course to images showing the football team from the Docklands Church battling to victory wearing jumpers with devils on the front. 

I’m aware the church preaches forgiveness but I’d never have expected to see them take it this far.

Heaven knows what our liberal minded local church will think of next.  Before we know it they’ll be holding church services in a pub!

Name and address withheld


I was appalled to hear of my neighbour’s car being damaged outside the Palladio building on Tuesday, October 13 at 7am apparently by a cherry picker that has been using the road on Caravel Lane to get in and out of the promenade to clean the restaurant umbrellas.

My neighbours took photos and sent them to the developer who hired the contractor of the only likely vehicle on the street to do the damage. The driver admitted to using the road but not to causing the damage.

The developer has deflected them to the City of Melbourne as it is a city road. Their car damage is estimated at $1000. So who should be paying for this? Who looks after residents’ best interests when everyone else can break the rules and we pay?

We would love to hear your concerns or if you witnessed this event.

Name and address withheld

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