What about the dogs?

What about the dogs?

I am writing in regard to your article titled “Hopes raised for water fireworks”.

Perhaps the next time Parks Victoria issues a Recreation Activity Event (Bays and Waterways) permit to a fireworks company to let off fireworks in Victoria Harbour they could have the courtesy to ensure nearby residents are informed in order that they may protect their animals?

Whilst the Docklands Chamber of Commerce was particularly delighted with the event on February 4, I can assure you that all dog owners in the area were not so impressed.

John Jackson

Temporary? Really?

I note that the “temporary” safety barriers on the bridge over the rail lines at the bottom of LaTrobe Street are still there.

They’ve been up for a considerable length of time, since you first reported their existence.

If I recall, the appropriate department was looking at possible solutions.

If no ideas can be thought of locally, perhaps it could be put out to an international design competition?

John Blair

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