Bring on the lasers

Bring on the lasers

I am all for the Laservision instalment. I think it will be great for the Docklands, it will add to the area, it will add vibrancy, colour and, most importantly, it will bring people to the area. Businesses that are struggling now will benefit from the people coming to see the spectacle. New businesses will be born, more jobs will be created, win-win. 

I love where I live.


Questionable benefit

I think the light show would be great and the location is perfect. However, I don’t live at Docklands.

I don’t necessarily believe that it will bring financial benefits to businesses in the area but it will certainly attract crowds, which could have a significant negative impact for local residents.

I feel strongly that only Victorian businesses should be involved in the planning and creation of the project – not outsourced to a foreign entity. Jobs for Aussies!

Additionally, renewable energy (solar) should be sourced and environmental considerations must be included in planning … water quality has been impacted by rubbish dropped by the visitors including cigarette butts, plastic bottles, etc.

 There is also a cost to the community in terms of police assistance to control crowds and additional strain on public transport (currently in the free tram zone, so again, no financial benefit from the attendees).

Thanks for the opportunity to contribute my thoughts.

Meryl McHugh

About time

Laservision is a significant development in the evolution of Docklands. 

It has the potential to be the jewel in the crown for the Docklands community. Docklands has starved for such an attraction. We can have the vibrancy that Darling Harbour exudes. This type of attraction could showcase some of Victoria’s unique marine environments such as the march of our spider crab population in Port Phillip Bay, the only place in the world where this happens, as well as our leafy sea dragons. It could offer a gateway to show other unique tourism spots in Victoria, which should draw more interest of government funding.

I would even support a GoFundMe page for this type of project. Let’s make it happen. I will certainly be attending the forum.

Graham Henderson

Toilet audit

I have completed an amateur audit of the public toilet situation in Docklands to aid your diligent property and assets team.

Alma Doepel public toilet closed for three years.

Boat school public toilet demolished.

Docklands Library has had no hot water for at least three weeks.

Cumberlund St public toilet closed for more than three years.

Bourke and Merchant streets toilet now private (was public for five years after Woolworths was built).

NAB public toilet semi closed due to vandalism.

Central Pier closed permanently?

Aquitania Way public toilet never opened - toilets recently removed.

Piazza (city side) closed since December 20 ... management regretfully informs us on their signage.

Piazza (Bolte side) closed for more than two years.

It appears there are only two semi-functional public toilets from Southern Cross Station to the very tip of Victoria Harbour all the way around to The District shopping centre.

As I stated in one of my previous emails, Docklands is promoted as somewhat of a tourist attraction and during football season it can attract up to 50,000 fans over a short time span. Hopefully all our guests “went” before they visited us.

Once again thank you for your kind and wise stewardship of our bustling city. 

Your humble servant,

Justin Roberts

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