Land for library swap mooted

Land for library swap mooted

The City of Melbourne and VicUrban have proposed giving away public waterfront land to developers in exchange for building a Docklands library.

They say that the $9 million they have allocated between them is not enough to build the library and community centre, which was announced last year for construction on the Hub site in Harbour Esplanade.

The council says it costed a number of options to build the complex on the Hub site but couldn’t make the available budget stretch.

But rather than allocating more funds, they suggested exchanging public waterfront land between the NAB building and Central Pier to a private developer who would include the library and community centre as part of a commercial development.

This public open space had previously been earmarked for active recreational activities as part of the Harbour Esplanade redevelopment.

Not surprisingly, the council says a number of developers are interested in developing a proposal for this prime site.

However, it is understood that the site could not be prepared in time to meet the council’s timeline and that the council and VicUrban are now examining the practicalities of building the complex on the open space in front of the NAB building on Harbour Esplanade.

Other options are:

To build only the library next to the Hub and later extend the Hub into a community centre;

To contribute the $9 million to another private development in exchange for a library and community centre.

The council has given itself a 10-week deadline to decide on a course of action.  It then expects the library to be built within 12-14 months.

A VicUrban spokesperson said that, while VicUrban was contributing to the project, it was being led by the City of Melbourne.

In his Docklands News column this month, Docklands Community Association president Roger Gardner complains about lack of consultation on this project.

“The council report states that extensive consultation has taken place with Docklands. We presume this refers to VicUrban as there has been none with the DCA or anybody else,” Mr Gardner said.

Improved short stay reforms

Improved short stay reforms

August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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