Search is on for Docklands Primary


June 2008 Issue 32:

The need for a primary school here in Docklands has been identified in study on the area’s community infrastructure needs.

Other priorities revealed by the study include:

Lifelong Learning Hub (e.g. containing facilities such as a library);

Social and Recreation Hub (e.g. indoor courts);

Community Boating Hub;

Neighbourhood Hub (e.g. community classes/activities); and

Functional outdoor community meeting spaces.

The study was conducted by Coomes Consulting on behalf of VicUrban and the City of Melbourne.

VicUrban and the council say they will now work together to identify possible locations and develop funding and delivery strategies for each of the identified priorities.

The consultants analysed demographics and projections and also sought stakeholder input. They spoke to a number of service providers to gauge their interest and commitment to providing community services in Docklands.

The final report has considered current Government policy directions and best practice case studies to inform its recommendations.

The report can be downloaded from the City of Melbourne’s website

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