Our back to school health checklist

Our back to school health checklist

By Dr Mike Edgley - Docklands Health

Every January millions of children, including some of our very own patients, go back to school.

While schools are great places for children to learn and develop both mentally and socially, it is important for kids to remember their health and wellbeing in the classroom all year round.

2021 is an especially important year as it marks the inaugural intake at our very own Docklands Primary School. All summer we have been fielding questions from both parents and students about getting ready for school. Therefore, we have created the Back to School checklist.

While most parents and children have a checklist of stationery and supplies for starting the school year, we are providing our patients with a “Back to School Health Checklist”. The checklist is a great way to remind kids of the importance of building healthy habits in school.

They are simple to incorporate and easily fit into a child’s everyday routine. For instance, packing a healthy lunch filled with lots of fruit and vegies, getting 60 minutes of daily physical activity and wearing the backpack correctly by carrying it with both straps.

Chiros and physios can also help training for strength, balance, coordination, flexibility and endurance, depending on the child’s needs. The health checklist also reminds kids to reduce their recreational screen time, sit correctly in the classroom and consider chiropractic care.

Kids don’t often think about the impact that common activities like sitting in a classroom, carrying a heavy bag and excessive screen time can have on their overall health and wellbeing.

Chiropractors and physiotherapists are well placed to assess and manage disorders of the musculoskeletal system and offer solutions and advice regarding your children’s existing spinal health issues or how to improve overall health and wellbeing.

Pick up your complimentary Back to School Health Checklist from us today, or if you are concerned about your child’s spine or any other back to school related activities, book an appointment with us online at docklandshealth.com.au or call 9088 3228 •

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