Sports Active Month

Sports Active Month

Make March your Sports Active month

What springs to mind when you think of March in Melbourne? Start of the AFL season, the Melbourne F1 Grand Prix, Moomba Festival? Why not add Sports Active month in your workplace for 2012. With so many activities and events on offer, we can easily be distracted and fitness and exercising may take a back seat.

At Active Melbourne City Sports, we have created Sports Active month which involves delivering a month-long health promotional initiative creating awareness of the importance of grassroots sports.

The primary aim is to encourage new participants to a wide variety of sports and activities by providing a number of events and programs throughout Melbourne.

The initiative aims to:

Encourage new participants to a wide variety of sports and activities;

Provide active lifestyle opportunities for the corporate community;

Encourage workplace teambuilding initiatives.

Some ways to get involve include: Paddling your way to victory through the Corporate Dragon Boat Challenge; Competing in the Melbourne-unique Tan Team Challenge Relay; and For those wanting a low-impact activity, two free Wellness in the City sessions are on offer at Docklands.

The culmination of the Sports Active month is the Sports Active Cup, a multi-sport extravaganza held at Flagstaff Gardens and JJ Holland Park, Kensington.

So what are you waiting for? Get out and get active this March with Active Melbourne City Sports.

Strategy + Running = Tan Team Challenge Relay

Running on your own can be boring and repetitive, so why not get three of your mates and compete in the revamped Tan Team Challenge Relay.

The event involves teams of four participants completing three laps of the Tan track in total, with participants able to start and finish their leg of the race at four pre-determined points on the Tan (i.e. start, 1km, 2km and 3km markers).

This is not your ordinary relay. Although you may know the course, strategy plays a huge part as the challenge for teams is not only to select your runners for your team but also, the length and the parts of the Tan they will be running.

Each participant may only run once and can run as short or long as they prefer as long as each four participants has run a leg of the three-lap Tan course.

Wellness in the City

Need to get away from the hustle and bustle of Docklands during lunchtimes? Then the Wellness in the City may be the answer with the sessions coming to Docklands in March.

Providing a great introduction for corporate workers to participate in low-impact activities such as yoga and pilates at two of Docklands most visible locations, the sessions aim to encourage people of all fitness levels to take time out of their busy work schedule and get involved.

Best of all, they are free to register. Each session lasts for 45 minutes and will commence at 12:15pm.

March 15 – Docklands Park, Docklands  
March 29 – Waterfront City, Docklands

Places are strictly limited.

For more information on these programs and activities, please visit the Active Melbourne City Sports website, or call our offices 9604 8600.

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