Harbour Esplanade closure pain passes

Harbour Esplanade closure pain passes

Docklands endured a week of disruption and isolation in November but has emerged with stronger tram services and significantly more potential public space.

Harbour Esplanade reopened to trams and traffic, as scheduled, from the first tram on Saturday, November 20, following a seven-day tram and road shut-down to complete track works and to transfer the tram services to the centre of the road.

Teams of workers toiled non-stop to meet the deadline, transforming Docklands into a hive of activity.

VicUrban has thanked all those affected by the closures for their patience and support.

Tram services are now running in the new configuration and four new tram platform stops have been installed between Bourke St and Docklands Drive. The additional length of the platforms will increase capacity at peak times and during special events at the stadium.

The tram realignment and a reduction of traffic to a single lane in each direction also frees up additional recreational space. VicUrban and the City of Melbourne say they are investigating options for temporary uses on parts of this space along the promenade.

The redevelopment will see this public space transformed into a new harbour-side destination, with the first stage scheduled for completion before next July.

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