A city with ‘‘many rooms’’


According to recent studies, upwards of 3500 people are currently homeless in the inner city of Melbourne.

In light of this growing need, Docklands Church is gearing up to launch “Many Rooms”, a new initiative that will help make a difference. 

The team at Many Rooms, headed up by Docklands Church member Chris Griffieon, has been assessing the areas of need in Melbourne. 

“One of the needs identified was services to homeless people on weekends. Compared with services available during business hours, there is little available on weekends.  Many Rooms will begin by addressing this need,” Mr Griffieon said.

Many Rooms will start with a Saturday drop-in centre (The Kitchen) and then look to future possibilities.

“With the help of the community we’d love to see The Kitchen open at other times, and run at multiple venues in and around Melbourne.  Many Rooms has a vision to provide crisis accommodation for mothers with children; an overnight drop in centre night and specific programs,” Mr Griffieon said.

The new initiative also received its endorsement from the City of Melbourne, which is providing a two-year grant to help get it off the ground.

Through their facilities and programs, Mr Griffieon believes Many Rooms will help people out of homelessness and, at the same time, service an immediate need.

Docklands Church believes the Bible is crystal clear about the importance of caring for the disadvantaged and forgotten in our society.

“Jesus himself is a man of great courage and love.  He served the marginalised people of his day, touching the untouchable, having lunch with the immoral and dining with the socially excluded. We want to mirror this love in our day,” Mr Griffieon said.

Many Rooms will be hosting a vision night towards the end of September, where people can find out more and explore how they can help make difference.

For more information about Many Rooms, email [email protected]

Docklands Church, meets on Sundays (10.30am and 6pm) at James Squire Brewhouse, Waterfront City – to find out more visit http://www.docklandschurch.org.au

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