GreenMoney trial a success

GreenMoney trial a success

A recycling rewards program will be rolled out across Melbourne after a successful trial in Docklands and Southbank.

The council-supported GreenMoney trial began in November last year and has seen 1500 residents take part so far.

The program aims to increase awareness of and encourage recycling awareness by allowing residents to earn points and claim discounts at a range of businesses by recycling.

According to Cr Cathy Oke, residents have redeemed almost $32,000 worth of discounts through the GreenMoney program over the past 12 months.

“Between the beginning of the trial in November 2013 and July this year, 56 per cent of residents taking part in GreenMoney increased the amount they were recycling. Eight per cent of participants had never recycled before becoming involved with the program,” Cr Oke said.

Cr Oke said the trial predominantly involved residents living in high-rise apartments in Docklands and Southbank but would now be expanded across the municipality.

“We hope to see the number of households involved grow closer to 12,000 over the next 12 months.”

GreenMoney allows residents to earn points for recycling. Participants put recycling in their household or building recycling bins, which are weighed each week and earn residents 50 points per kilogram of recycling collected.

Residents can use accumulated points to claim discounts and special offers at participating businesses.

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