Back in Docklands

Back in Docklands

Good News Bill has been overseas for most of August following the Olympics in London. It was nice to enjoy a couple of weeks of warm northern hemisphere weather.

During my visit I had an opportunity to visit Edinburgh and take in the action at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. This event creates quite a buzz throughout Edinburgh, with visitors and acts coming from far and wide to be part of the show.

So it is with growing excitement that I return to Docklands to be involved in our very own version of this iconic event – The Docklands Arts and Laughs Festival – five days of cabaret theatre, comedy, arts and laughs and blues festival from Sunday, October 3 until October 7.

We have been overwhelmed with the level of local interest and the variety of acts that have come forward to participate. You will find the official guide as an insert in this newspaper.

With spring just around the corner and school holidays in September, the Wonderland Fun Park is putting on a Safari Spectacular in Harbour Town.

This will feature live entertainment for the kids and an opportunity to get up real close to live crocodiles and snakes that will be appearing daily. What a great way to keep the kids entertained and the reptiles fed during the school holidays.

Stephen Cummings fans out there will enjoy hearing Stephen perform at the Mission to Seafarers each Wednesday night throughout September. Shows start at 7.30pm and cost only $15. Enjoy a glass of wine and be entertained in the cosy atmosphere of the mission’s lounge.

The Docklands Community Garden, launched in July, is now a calling for volunteers to help keep the garden in tip-top condition and provide fresh produce for local residents. Get involved and surprise yourself with what is possible in an urban environment.

I am also excited to read that the Southern Star Observation Wheel has been given a tentative completion date. Obviously there are still elements out of the control of the construction company that may yet delay the opening, but it is heartening to hear that completion is now on the radar and with a bit of luck January will see the wheel finally start to turn again.

City of Melbourne and Places Victoria are set to announce the names of people who have put their hands up to serve on the representative group that will support the Docklands Community Forum. The forum provides an opportunity for all Docklanders to raise local issues for consideration by City of Melbourne and Places Victoria. Make sure you find out who these people are, and get to know them – as they will be your voice to the top.

The Docklands Chamber of Commerce AGM is to be held on September 18 at Etihad Stadium. Being on the executive represents an opportunity for people to step up and play an active role in working with local businesses to help Docklands transition from a work in progress to an exciting and vibrant new Melbourne destination. The deadline for nominations is September 11.

The Docklands Rotary Club is very active and meets every Tuesday at Watermark from 6pm, except the first Tuesday of the month when it is a lunch-time meeting. If you want to become a local Rotarian, then why not come along on a Tuesday and introduce yourself. 

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