Docklands maritime heritage revival


Senior executives from a number of Docklands corporates were invited by the Docklands Chamber of Commerce to attend a lunch on board the Lady Cutler to last month raise public sector funding for the restoration of the Alma Doepel.

The Alma is a three masted topsail schooner, Australian built and operated, with more than a hundred years of history behind her, and with more history yet to
be written.

She is currently in dry dock being faithfully restored by shipwrights and volunteers giving hundreds of hours of their time. The Alma Doepel is a significant example of vessels of a bygone era. Restoring her requires about $1.5 million to bring her back to her former glory – making her yet another restored symbol of Melbourne’s maritime heritage.

Plans are afoot to create a permanent home for the Alma and other historic vessels in Victoria Harbour, creating a spectacular gateway to Docklands.

Speakers at the lunch included the Lord Mayor Robert Doyle and Professor Rob Adams, director of city design for the City of Melbourne. Matt McDonald, CEO of SeaRoad Ferries, spoke passionately about his experience working with marginalised kids on tall ships and how the experience changed their lives, identifying the benefits a restored Alma would bring to our community. Individuals can help by getting together to raise just $500 and buy a plank for the restoration. Visit for more information.

The Melbourne Regatta and Blessing of the Fleet is coming to Docklands on Saturday, August 30, and it will be a great family day for all who live, work and play in Docklands. So start planning how you are going to spend Melbourne Day in Docklands. The Blessing of the Fleet will be presided over by Father Bob, followed by a formal sail-by, celebrating the spirituality of 1.4 million seafarers who sail upon the high seas.
On Sunday, August 30 1835 settlers from Tasmania arrived in Melbourne near current-day Enterprize Park on the tall ship schooner Enterprize.  To commemorate the first landing the Enterprize will perform a re-enactment of this significant event in Docklands with volunteers in period costume.  The day will continue to entertain visitors with plenty of shore-based action that includes a free ferry service, street entertainment, music and food.

On the day there will a number of cruise options available to those interested in seeing Melbourne from the water. The Enterprize will also run short cruises. Visit

The Mission to Seafarers is taking bookings for a cruise of Melbourne’s ports to see big ships up close. Visit  

The Melbourne Passenger Boating Association has a number of group packages available. Visit The message is simple. Get on board! Docklands is coming alive for Melbourne Day.

Leading up to Melbourne Day, the City of Melbourne is once again sponsoring the annual Friday night fireworks in Docklands throughout July and August. Friday, July 18 will be especially spectacular as Docklands acknowledges the AIDS 2014 conference by lighting up the Docklands sky in a shower of red.

AIDS 2014 is coming to the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre just over the river from Docklands. The conference is expected to convene over 12,000 participants from nearly 200 countries, including more than 800 journalists. The conference will be held from July 20–25. Docklands corporates and businesses will be “painting the town red”.  

Guest speakers at the AIDS 2014 have been announced and these include Former US President Bill Clinton and Sir Bob Geldorf, among the high-level speakers.

Another great addition to Docklands is the arrival of a new online radio station that promotes Melbourne’s waterfront. HTR Melbourne’s Waterfront has commenced broadcasting in Docklands. Tune in to to hear music and community messages about the many attractions in Docklands.  Hotel and Tourist Radio (HTR) is a great way to find out what is happening in our neighbourhood and has the potential to showcase Melbourne’s waterfront to a global audience. You can also download an App so you can listen in.

Things are really happening in Docklands and the future is looking bright. The Docklands Chamber of Commerce is helping local businesses connect and be informed of planned events, so they can be part of the action and deliver an excellent welcome to visitors, who come here expecting the beautiful waterfront experience that
is Docklands.

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