Good News for Docklanders!

Good News for Docklanders!

What a fabulous July it has been in Docklands! The Good News Bill column enjoyed the most online visitations of any story on the Docklands News website. So a big thank you to all of you!

We have seen fireworks every Friday night in Victoria Harbour and, for those of you who have joined “Docklander Deals” – you will know that there are some great dining treats out there for you to explore. Have a look at the website, and if you are not already a member – join up – it’s free!

Channel Nine’s Postcards came to Docklands in July. Shane Crawford, Grant Hackett and Brodie Harper showcased all the great things there are to see and do. Shane Crawford visited some of the local restaurants including Woolshed, Berth, ManMo and Dock 31. Brodie Harper went to Harbour Town and visited the Medibank Icehouse to pick up some ice skating tips. She also was shown the ancient art of curling. Grant Hackett spent time at Yarra’s Edge visiting Bistro Vite. Postcards directed viewers to the to enter a competition to win some great Docklands experiences.

What about the Medibank Icehouse? Did you know they play ice hockey there? The August schedule is available on line.   Go to:  Medibank Icehouse is home to the Groove Train Mustangs and the Melbourne Ice. There are six dates in August if you want to go along and see a match. Have you thought about having a go at ice skating? Well you can, because the Icehouse is offering free ice skating lessons for a limited time only.  They are run on Tuesday to Friday nights at 7pm and more frequently on weekends.

Over in Harbour Town the Wonderland Fun Park ran a Circus Spectacular – Bubble Storm Show for kids during school holidays. It has been “full house” down there! On show were circus stunts from Australia’s top circus performers hula hooping, acrobatics, juggling and daring aerial delights.

August activities include Footy Fun Passes – just come in your favourite footy team’s gear to qualify. It runs from 11am-2pm weekends. Keep an eye out for their charity Saturday events too!. Watch this space for what Wonderland Fun Park has planned for the future. They have some great things on the drawing board and you won’t want to miss out. More in this column as details are firmed up.

Chocolate Rush Chocolate Festival is set to take place on the weekend of Saturday and Sunday, August 13 and 14. Melbourne will be inundated by chocolate lovers from across Australia and the world as they converge on Docklands to learn more about their favourite pastime. Indulge your sweet tooth with activities that include a chocolate market, ChocFest Chocolate Film Competition, Australian Chocolate Championships, chocolate education and much more. All this at Shed 4, Victoria Harbour.

The great Cadel Evans wins the Tour de France! There will no doubt be a civic reception held in Melbourne to mark this historic occasion. It would be a tremendous boost for Docklands if we can convince the decision-makers to start and finish the Cadel Evans parade here. Imagine the number of people that would come to Docklands if this were to happen.

Local Docklands businesses need to start talking to the Docklands Chamber of Commerce, and both local and State Government.  I am pleased to tell you that I have had a personal call from the Hon Ted Baillieau and the secretary to the State Tourism Minister, Louise Asher,  acknowledging receipt of my emails. They say whilst there are no guarantees, the idea will be tabled along with a range of others. You have to ask for it, if you want it
to happen.

I’ve had some great responses to the idea of a monorail for Docklands. Some people think it is a great idea to get around Docklands in a single loop, taking in the sights of the harbour and view of Docklands. Others say it is just plain ugly! Feel free to comment through my online column.

Tell me what you think of a monorail looping around Docklands and connecting up with trams as they terminate. This will improve accessibility, create another great Docklands attractions and make travel around Docklands convenient and easy.

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