Get in quick for networking lunch in June

Get in quick for networking lunch in June

With this month’s Docklands News Networking Lunch almost fully subscribed and two weeks still to go, we’ve decided to open up the lunch to 20 more guests.

The lunch will be held on June 18 at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre on South Wharf and includes a tour of this wonderful new facility.

Some 60 guests have already booked and, with a usual last-minute rush, potential guests are advised to book quickly.

The lunch costs $60 and guests should arrive at 12 noon for a 12.30 start.  The facility tour begins at 2.30pm and will take 30 minutes, so participants should clear plenty of time in their diaries.

The networking lunch is an informal occasion designed to allow Docklands business-people maximum opportunity to get to know each other.  

There are no sponsors (so no boring sales pitches) and when we have speakers, they are limited to five minutes on subjects of genuine interest to Docklands.

To book, email Alison Kinkade ([email protected]) at Docklands News.

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